Ok, update for this week. Wow, lots of stuff to pray about. Lots of things to be excited about! The last couple weeks I've seen two things very clearly: one is the state of people who don't have the Lord and the other is how wonderful it is to have such an awesome God to turn to when you have problems. Yesterday I went into the biggest temple here in town for the first time. Our "tour guides" where two very energetic 6th graders who gabbered away in Chenglish (English and Chinese) about everything in there. It amazed me. Their gods are confined to images and carved wood. They aren't so much gods as they are warriors, each with their own battle to fight. The wind god isn't really a god: he simply fights to control the wind. But sometimes he looses.
How horrible to have not a God but a warrior, one who might or might not win. What happens when your god looses? Then you are stuck.
Aren't you glad our God is all powerful?
As for prayer request...
---Keep praying for Joy's mother. She doesn't want to listen to what Joy has to say about Christ. She's not far from dieing. The demons she has worshipped all her life are tormenting her, making their presence known even in a physical sense. Please, please pray for this lady. Also pray for Joy, as this is extremely hard on her.
---Pray for George, one of the dorm kids here. Last week he went to the hospital with an infection of some sort in his neck. They sent him on to Taiwan and he was in the hospital there for several days. He's back here at the dorm now and seems to be ok.
---Pray for Jimmy and Jerry, two brothers who live here at the dorm. A few days ago they got in a fight and Jerry purposely cut himself with a knife. Jerry is only 6th grade and living away from home for the first time. It's very hard on him. He's angry at God for the situation he's in and says it isn't possible that God loves him.
---Pray for Riddick, another dorm kid. He seems happy and fine on the outside, but once you get to know him you realize he's a hurting kid. He doesn't know who his Dad is or where he is. He says he has no reason to live. He has a morbid obession with death and killing. He often jokes about killing people. Rebekah once told him that it wasn't funny. He told her it was ok: he was only thinking about it. She said he shouldn't even think about it. He said don't worry: if he ever really did want to kill somebody he'd just kill himself. He's very unstable, going from happy and laughing to crying and deeply depressed in only minutes or seconds.

---And finally, here's a picture of my Wednesday night class. This is Summer, Me, Ivy, Vincent, Elly, Stella and Gloomy. Not pictured is Linda, Jessica and May. Please keeps these kids in your prayers as well. I'm going to be spending a fair amount of time with them this year and really want to see them come to Christ.
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How horrible to have not a God but a warrior, one who might or might not win. What happens when your god looses? Then you are stuck.
Aren't you glad our God is all powerful?
As for prayer request...
---Keep praying for Joy's mother. She doesn't want to listen to what Joy has to say about Christ. She's not far from dieing. The demons she has worshipped all her life are tormenting her, making their presence known even in a physical sense. Please, please pray for this lady. Also pray for Joy, as this is extremely hard on her.
---Pray for George, one of the dorm kids here. Last week he went to the hospital with an infection of some sort in his neck. They sent him on to Taiwan and he was in the hospital there for several days. He's back here at the dorm now and seems to be ok.
---Pray for Jimmy and Jerry, two brothers who live here at the dorm. A few days ago they got in a fight and Jerry purposely cut himself with a knife. Jerry is only 6th grade and living away from home for the first time. It's very hard on him. He's angry at God for the situation he's in and says it isn't possible that God loves him.
---Pray for Riddick, another dorm kid. He seems happy and fine on the outside, but once you get to know him you realize he's a hurting kid. He doesn't know who his Dad is or where he is. He says he has no reason to live. He has a morbid obession with death and killing. He often jokes about killing people. Rebekah once told him that it wasn't funny. He told her it was ok: he was only thinking about it. She said he shouldn't even think about it. He said don't worry: if he ever really did want to kill somebody he'd just kill himself. He's very unstable, going from happy and laughing to crying and deeply depressed in only minutes or seconds.

---And finally, here's a picture of my Wednesday night class. This is Summer, Me, Ivy, Vincent, Elly, Stella and Gloomy. Not pictured is Linda, Jessica and May. Please keeps these kids in your prayers as well. I'm going to be spending a fair amount of time with them this year and really want to see them come to Christ.
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