Pray for Samuel (as he lives out his Eurocentric-outdated-inane existence).

The purpose of this blog is to build up an army of prayer warriors who will lift me up as I minister in Taiwan. I am planning on posting requests once weekly. I'm asking y'all to please take time in your devotions to bring these requests before the Father and ask Him to work His will in each situation.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Hey there people. And happy new year! Thursday we finished our first camp and Wednesday we are leaving for central Taiwan for our second one.

Camp was totally awesome. One of the best I've ever had. I taught team E (the highest level group) and we had a hoot together. I had 15 kids from 3rd to 6th grade. I had one 3rd grader from Taipei...dude, one of these days I'm going to have to spend a week in a school there or on earth do they teach them that much English? (Guess it probably has something to do with the fact that kids here only get two 40 minute English classes a week...not really enough to actually learn anything).

---Pray for Lucy, our hair stylist friend. She's making some difficult decisions and really needs Christ at this point.

---My Mom is coming to visit me in March! I'm so happy I could explode! Pray that her preparations for the trip go well.

---Pray for the upcoming camp. Pray that the kids and TA's would see God's light shining through us.

---Pray for Hans, a college student at the local college and one of our TA's. He's been showing a lot of interest in spiritual things and has been ready "Mere Christianity" lately.

That's all for today. Love you guys!