Pray for Samuel (as he lives out his Eurocentric-outdated-inane existence).

The purpose of this blog is to build up an army of prayer warriors who will lift me up as I minister in Taiwan. I am planning on posting requests once weekly. I'm asking y'all to please take time in your devotions to bring these requests before the Father and ask Him to work His will in each situation.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Well, hello there. Awesome things are happening. Check out my blogger to see what God did on Monday and Tuesday (read: I am too lazy to write it again).

Shawn, my roommate, had been sick for a while. So when BonnieJean and I are walking to school on Wednesday morning and I'm not feeling good, it isn't a good sign. So I asked BJ to pray for me and I also went into our "office" and prayed. Everything went great. I felt fine. And I know it was God sustaining me, because five minutes after my last class, I started to feel horrible. I missed Chinese class that afternoon and felt bad all night. Then Thursday morning I got with Bonnie and prayed again (hey, it worked last time!) and went off to school. Once again, I did fine! Praise God! I'm feeling somewhat better now.

---Pray for our teams health. We majorly need it. Bekah had a fever of 103 on Thursday. Shawn can't seem to get over it. BJ is kinda sick. James is kinda sick. I'm getting better but still have no energy.

---Pray for the church here. Our pastor, Samuel (what a cool name!) and his wife Joy are awesome people. Some of the elders are very cool too. But they've certainly got their work cut out for them. Some people say there are probably only 60 Christian's on the island...and there's 50,000 people on the island! I was walking to church Sunday morning and walked by one of the temples. One man was burning incense while another banged a gong and people from all over came with "paper money" to burn and send to their dead relations. It broke my heart to see all these precious people in bondage. Pray that God will help the church to bring revival to Kinmen.

---Keep praying for James!

---Exciting news! Dad is coming for two weeks in early April! WOO-WHOO! Pray that all his travel would go smoothly and he would know what to pack. We are very much looking forward to seeing him! Last night at a small group meeting I told the church that Dad was coming and that he had been praying for the church for a year now and was really looking forward to meeting them. They're pretty excited too.

Friday, February 18, 2005

---Ok, BonnieJean, Drew and Megan have gone to Hong Kong for the weekend to renew their visas. Pray that everything will go well for them and they will have a restful time.

---I start teaching Jr. High on Monday. Pray that everything goes well.

Sorry this is such a short update, but my brain is like totally dead and I can't think of a single thing more to write. Maybe it has something to do with the rain for the last two days.


DUH! I can't beleive I forgot these two things! I must have really been out of it when I wrote this yesterday.

---Keep James in your prayers. Bek and Lucus had a long talk with him the other night and they said he is really close to salvation.

---One of the schools here has asked me to teach diabolo to their kids. I'm not sure exactly all that that would entail, but it seems like a really cool idea.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Hi there! yes, I know this update is a little late: so sorry!

Wow, some awesome things are going on. God has really been showing me how faithful he is. Isn't it strange how you can know something (like, "God is faithful") and yet still be supprised to see evidence of it? I've always known that God is faithful, but here it seems that every time I turn around, I see more evidence of it looking me in the face and it's always so cool to see.

I'm sorry the last couple updates haven't been very informative. I was kinda rushed and didn't take the time I really should have.

Ok, here's updates on a couple previous prayer request.

---The talk with Sherry went very well. I think I was able to plant some ideas in her head that might blossem later. I asked her what religion she followed and she said "My family is Buddist." I replied, "No, not your family. You. What religion are you?" She was very taken aback by that question: it seemed she had never that about it that way. At any rate, I was able to explain how, while she may be a good person, God is totally perfect and he cannot be with even a little bit of sin. She seemed to understand. We talked a little bit about forgivness, and then her phone rang. The cool thing that I've got a real peace about that. I had y'all and several people there at camp praying over our conversation and I just knew that it was not Satan interfering. Keep praying for Sherry.

---Everybody is well now! God answers prayer!

---God gave me lots of creativity. My second camp was totally awesome and we did all sorts of cool stuff with them. Got to work on some really cool vocab. words.

---I did make it here without any problems!

---It turns out I only had one day to figure out what I was doing after arriving...but God gave me energry and ideas anyway. Which is cool.

Ok, here's this weeks request.

---Language, language, and language. I didn't really realize what I was getting into coming over here not knowing a single word of Chinese. I'm learning some, and I've got lots of people who can translate, but I really, really want to get a handle on the language while I'm surrounded by it.

---BonnieJean and I will be teaching Sunday school tomorrow morning. Pray for ideas and God's direction.

---We start school on Monday...kinda. I won't actually meet my classes until next week.

By the way, I love comments! Leave your remarks!

Josiah, dude, you rock! Thanks so much for your prayers! Hey, email me sometime! Let me know what your up to!

Friday, February 04, 2005

Wow. Camp is over. I can't believe it. I'm flying to Kinmen tomorrow morning. This will be a short update, because we're going to dinner soon.

---We presented the Gospel twice today. Pray for the kids and TA's who heard it.

---BJ and everybody at home is sick. Pray they get better.

---Pray that I will keep my focus on God. It's very easy to get distracted.