Pray for Samuel (as he lives out his Eurocentric-outdated-inane existence).

The purpose of this blog is to build up an army of prayer warriors who will lift me up as I minister in Taiwan. I am planning on posting requests once weekly. I'm asking y'all to please take time in your devotions to bring these requests before the Father and ask Him to work His will in each situation.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Ok, I know this is late. But it's actually not my fault this time! Blogger was acting strange and I couldn't manage to post.

---Pray for Kelly. Kelly is one of the students in our Tuesday night class. She's a really sweet girl and I love working with her. But for the last few weeks she's been acting very different. BJ saw her hanging out with some guys who didn't look to be model citizen's and Kelly tried to hide from her. She acts really guilty around us: even to the point of jumping if you even make a motion in her direction, like she's afraid we're going to hit her. I don't know what's going on with her, but I really feel the need to pray. If she's still acting wierd this Tuesday I'm going to try talking to her about it.

---Alen is another student in our Tuesday class. He has a really bad attitude. But it used to be that he would work with me. Now he won't even look at me. I don't know why. Last Wednesday he wasn't in class (I also teach him during his day-time class) and then at lunch he showed up. He wouldn't tell me or the teacher what had happened, but his hand was bloodied: it looked like he'd been fighting.

---A praise! Pink Pig is one of my students who had a REALLY bad attitude and totally refused to learn anything. Last Wednesday I actually got her to say a few things in class and (get this!) she even smiled at me! Ok, that sounds a little bit dumb...but if you knew Pink Pig and if you were teaching 905, you would realize that having Pink Pig smile at you is a big deal.

---Please, please, please keep praying that we get enough people for next year!

---Bekah's foot is still giving her a lot of trouble. Pray that God will heal her.

---Pray for Dad as he comes over here. He'll be getting to Kinmen on Friday! WOW!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Major request

I really, really need y'all to pray for this! If we can have five or six more people sign up for next school year, we will get to keep Jr. High here on Kinmen. I know it may not seem like that big a deal, but I really, really feel like I should be in Jr. High. So please, please pray that God will supply the teachers!

Also, consider coming yourself. I talked to Ben (our leader here in Taiwan) and he said he it is open to ex-ATI'ers and even non-ATI'ers could apply and he would consider them. The ministry opportunities over here are really awesome. The cost is very minimal: KingCar will pay for your plane tickets. The schools will house you and feed you when you are teaching. They will also pay you a small amount per class (for me it's about US$9 per class). It's a great chance to experiance another culture first hand: you get to actually know the culture, rather than spending ten days looking at sights or something like that (like on a typical "cultural experiance" thing). And if we get enough people to sign up, then there's a chance you could be on Kinmen with me (not sure if that's a plus or a minus...) They do ask that you take a three week Teaching English course, but I wasn't able to, and so they let me just do some volunteering at an ESL class instead. It was only like three hours a week.

So would you prayerfully consider coming over here?

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Hey there. Lots of cool things are happening.

---Gingers parents are here in Kinmen, and will be leaving on Monday evening. Pray they will enjoy the rest of their time here and have a safe trip home.

---Really cool news! I had a LONG conversation with James a few nights ago. I was feeling kinda sick and needed to do lesson planning, yet I felt like it was really important to stay and visit with him. God worked it out where I was able to explain the entire plan of salvation and talk to him about alot of his thoughts on spiritual things. Guys, I know I've asked this several times before, but I'm going to ask again. Really, really lift James up. He knows everything he needs to know: pray that he will feel God tugging on his heart.

---Last night BJ, Shawn and I stayed up until 2 o'clock talking about the spiritual condition of this place. It was very interesting: BJ has such a better feel for it, having been here a year (and me only six weeks!) Apparently the Jr. High campus here is famous for being haunted, in particular the gym right next to us (the whole island is supposed to be haunted, because of all the people that died during the Chinese bombing, but apparently this place is extra haunted). Anyway, it seems there actually is a spirit (or spirit's) who has taken up residence around here. At any rate, it's a little scary to think of the kids around here without the power of Jesus to protect them, so we spent some time praying for them.

---This past week I've come a lot closer to God. But I've also come under a lot more attack. Pray that I will be strong to overcome, through the blood of the Lamb.

---I'm feeling awesome right now. I just feel like standing on Mt. Ti-you (sp?) and yelling "GOD IS AWESOME!!" So why not just take a few minutes to praise him for who he is?

---If we can get about 6 or 7 more people to sign up to come serve next school year, then we get to keep Jr. High! WOW! Please, please pray we get those people!

I love all of you guys so much! Hey, every time any of you sees Josiah, ask him if he has emailed me yet. If he says no, hit him. HARD! Ok?

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Well, good morning! Yes, I know I didn't update last week. That's part me being lazy and part the stupid internet at the dorm (sometimes it's really fast and good, sometimes it doesn't work at all). So I kinda, sorta have an excuse. :)

---Pray for a fellow named Chris. He's one of the servicemen who lives across the street. He's a super awesome guy who likes to hang out with us a lot and he's always working on his English. At any rate I've been feeling a real burden for his soul and I hope to try to talk to him soon. Pray for that too: I don't know how much I'll be able to get across with his limited English.

---Pray for class 905, that I teach on Wednesday morning. There are 4 problem kids in there. One is Jerry (some of you may have heard of all the trouble he gave BJ last semester). Actually he's not much problem in class, but he can be a problem after class, when I'm trying to visit with the other kids (what with him swearing and making crude gestures). His friend Joe is also in the class and can be trouble during the breaks as well. Allan is another problem kid: he will not pay attention during lesson. He's actually in our Jr. High dropout class, but he never shows up on time and always has a bad attitude. Pink Pig is probably the one who gives me the most trouble in class. She won't do anything. I kick her chair, I make her stand up, I've tried everything. She won't even look at me.

---We are almost totally well now! Praise God!

---Tomorrow is BJ's birthday, so why not make it pray for BJ day? Pray she'll have energy, creativity, wisdom, and the right words to speak.

---Bekah is having some sort of problem with her foot and it's getting really painful. Pray it will heal.

---I have ten days to decide if I'm going to stay for another year or not. They have told us that there will be no Jr. high next year. So if they change their mind, I'm staying. If not, I'm going home. Pray that we get some final word soon!

Thanks so much for your prayers guys! You are the bestist!